C4FM IR0CZ 145.575 ROMA

Segnalo che dopo sperimentazione e' attivo il Ripetitore  C4FM IR0CZ 145.575 -0,600 copertura ROMA ed altre provincie del LAZIO (Frosinone , Latina , Rieti , Viterbo)
collegato WIRES-X ITALY - Luglio 2016
IK0ZCW Alberto Devitofrancesco


La storia:

26.11.2011 - Nasce IR0CZ R11 special

NASCE IR0CZ R11 SPECIAL 145.575 -600 tono 67

La Sezione ERA di Frosinone e I0NLV Nicola del Cisar-Roma in collaborazione stanno per attivare il nuovo Ponte. Anche questa volta la collaborazione o meglio l'Ham Spirit è stata l'arma vincente.




Following the recent IARU conference in Sun City two new 2 Metre repeater channels have been added to the Region 1 band plan, the decision as recorded in the plenary minutes is as follows:
2 new repeater frequencies as follows (analogue and digital):

144.9750 MHz and 144.9875 MHz as inputs
145.5750 MHz and 145.5875 MHz as outputs

Proposed by SARL, seconded by HRS. Approved with twenty seven in favour, fourteen against and seven abstentions.

Once it is agreed that these frequencies will be included in the UK band plan the ETCC will be considering their most efficient and effective allocation in order to enhance and improve the UK repeater network. A further statement on the way ahead will be issued in due course and it should be noted that in the meantime proposals requesting the new channels will not be considered.

Repeater Keepers should also note that the Conference decided that the use of continuous CTCSS by all analogue voice repeaters has also been made a requirement from the end of 2014 together with the addition of 67Hz to the list of available tones.

